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Contribute To Wiki - Champagne.

# Contribute To Wiki

We believe in the power of collective intelligence and encourage everyone to contribute to this wiki, keeping it fresh and updated. There are numerous ways you can contribute to our Wiki. Our discord server has dedicated channels for each of the methods below.

  • Reporting Dead Links
    • If you find any dead links, report them. Dead links can be harmful to the verifiability of the content. Sometimes, a link is dead because the website has moved the URL. If you discover a URL change like this, please submit a request. Please use Proton VPN and connect to the Netherlands server while you are checking for dead links. Many times links are active but your country or ISP might be blocking them.
  • Suggesting New Links
    • If you come across a link that you think can be useful to the wiki, suggest it. We are always open to new resources that can enrich our content.
  • Contributing New Sections
    • If you feel there's an important topic missing from the wiki, feel free to contribute an entire new section. Your unique insights can help fill gaps in our content.
  • Expanding Existing Sections
    • Another way you can contribute to the Wiki is by expanding existing sections with more and new content. If you come across a section that you think could use more details, don't hesitate to add your insights. This could be in the form of additional information, updated data, or even a new perspective on the topic. Remember, every little bit of information helps in making our wiki more comprehensive and useful for all visitors.
  • All Guides Are Welcome
    • We appreciates guides on all kinds of tech topics. They do not have to be piracy-focused only. We are interested in a wide range of topics.
  • Join our discord, head to the #info channel and you can start. We will see anything you post in the related channels and automatically update the wiki accordingly. There is a dedicated channel where we chat on all this as well.

You will receive a Wiki Contributor role for significant contributions, plus would have played a part in keeping the wiki fresh, helping the thousands of people who visit the wiki.

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